Sunday, September 30, 2012

Living a Life Of Inspiration

by: Jaclyn Shaw
Blocked energy and bouts of negativity can have crippling effects or at the very least lead to feelings of uneasiness and panic. Thanks to Source (my personal word for God), I have been successful at unblocking by dedicating myself to some activities that exhibit reverence for life.

What does that mean? Well, I came up with my own list of 20 ways to connect with Life Force (Source) and feel infinitely inspired and empowered because of it. When I do these things, I keep in mind why I am doing them.
With a strong intentionality, I practice the following at my own pace. Hope you enjoy my suggestions! Here goes:
1. Eating holistic organic food. (Honoring Body)
2. Drinking 7 glasses of water a day. This intake varies according to weight. Calculate your proper intake using this water calculator (Honoring Body)
3. 45 minutes of stretching/cardiac/ lifting exercise (Honoring Body)
4. Getting proper sleep (7-8 hrs) (Honoring Mind, Body, Emotions)
5. 1 hour of meditation (Honoring Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit)
6. Morning Pages - Writing down  3 pages full of subconscious dreams and thoughts as soon as I awake. (Honoring Mind, Emotions)
7. Spend time with children and reconnect with your inner child (Honoring Relationships/ Emotions)
8. Write a list of 10 people, places or things you are grateful for and why (Honoring Relationships)
9. Call, or write a letter to an old friend/ new friend (Honoring Relationships)
10. Go on a mystery date with yourself... take yourself to a place you've never been that excites and stimulates your senses (Honoring your Experience)
11. Plan trip to a place you have never experienced before (Honoring your Experience)
12. Writing Music  (Honoring Creativity)
13. Sketching/Drawing/ Painting (Honoring Creativity)
14. Free form prose writing (Honoring Creativity)
15. Write a list of 5 things that made you giggle today (Honoring Emotions)
16. Read a book about something you've never explored (Honoring Intelligence)
17.  Creating a "Career Focused To Do" list and sticking to it (Honoring Potential to Succeed)
18. Spend time with animals (Honoring Nature)
19. Long walks in nature (Honoring Nature)
20. Pray: Thanking Source for the food, clothing, shelter, good luck, good relationships, etc. (Honoring Nature/ Connecting to Higher Intelligence)

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